October 27 - November 1, 2019
ICPA Annual Conference
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hotel Panamericano Buenos Aires, Carlos Pellegrini 551, Buenos Aires, C1009 CABA Argentina, Hotel Panamericano Buenos Aires

ICPA’s annual conference is one of the largest events in the prisons and correctional field.
You can expect that this conference will have a rich and diverse programme addressing a multitude of aspects across the prisons and correctional field. Over 150 speakers from across the globe will come and share their work, experiences and best practices. And all made possible with the fantastic support of our hosts – The Federal Prison Service of Argentina!
The ICPA Annual Conference is one of the largest international events for prisons and corrections professionals and typically attracts more than 500 of our colleagues from all across the world. It is all about sharing experiences, learning from each other and exchanging ideas with the aim of advancing corrections. Attend this event to network and get new ideas and take back with you the best of the jurisdiction with a greater perspective and a wealth of new approaches and practical applications.
Many of the attendees are Heads of Service/Directors General, senior management, correctional practitioners and experts within the corrections field across a range of sectors and backgrounds. If you are a professional working in prisons and corrections or related industries and organisations, then the ICPA conference is for you!